Photo 101: Day Thirteen: Moment & Motion

Tip: Movement is a great way to convey time and fleetingness.


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Experiment with panning: pan your camera across your scene while following your moving subject. It takes practice, but if done right you can produce images with clear subjects against blurred backgrounds.

Photo101: Day Ten: Mystery & Lighting Effects

Sky Silhouette
Sky Silhouette

Today, share an image that creates a sense of mystery. A lone mitten on the sidewalk. A trail leading off into the distance. Your dog’s deep brown eyes. Intrigue us with uncertainty.

Today’s Tip: To stretch yourself, manipulate the light available to you to create a particular effect — use it to cast shadows and highlights to create a moody image. Work with natural light, or find an artificial light source like the stage lights above.

The direction of light has a big impact on your photos. Things lit from the front have few shadows, and are evenly lit. When the light comes from the side, shadows and highlights are introduced, creating more texture and complexity. Lighting from behind throws things into sharp relief, silhouetting your subject.

Vet trip for my Australian Shepherd.

Sky, (full name Skyhawk -like TA4j Skyhawk airplane) had to have a Cyst that has been bothering her removed from her tail yesterday.  Yep, surgery.  I have a great vet, as in an honest vet who tells it like it is.  He doesn’t mess around.  Hard to explain, but he is not one of those vets who rushes to cut or prescribe drugs to make a killing.  As a matter of fact I brought Sky to his office last July before I had my own surgery (tendon replaced in my ankle) and he thought it best to wait till it seemed an issue for her.  Well it became an issue for her about 2 weeks ago when I noticed her constantly trying to chew at it so last Friday I went back to the vet and he agreed we should probably go ahead and remove it.

Waiting for Dr. Appt
Waiting for Dr. Appt

After weighing her Steve the vet had me hold her in my lap as he gave her the injection to give her her surgery nap.  That was at noon and he told me to come back around 3pm.  At 3 she was still in the recovery cage.  A little freaked out-still waking up and probably not happy about being in a cage that reminded her of her pre-rescue life.  I sat there with her waiting for her to feel comfortable and steadier on her feet.

At about 4pm she was ready to go home.  I was told to limit her food and drink for several more hours.  She really was thirsty too.  I would let her drink a little and then have to take it away from her.  Now the dilemma!  She has to leave her tail alone so it can heal but since I live on a boat a cone around her head would just be too dangerous when she is not sleeping.

Steve told me to not bandage it as it needs air to heal but i was also concerned about the amount of dust and other dogs out here so I wanted the surgery protected from sniffing noses including her Socked tail!own and from the dirt and dust.  I came up with an idea.  I had an old tube sock which I had cut the elastic out of in an attempt to protect my cast when i was wearing one. I cut the other end off and was able to easily pull Sky’s tail through and then use the medical tape that sticks to itself wrapped around the top and the bottom of the sock.  The incision still gets air to heal and now it is protected.  I still have to watch her because on occasion she wants the sock off her tail understandably so.



Photo 101: Day Eight: Natural World & Leading Lines

“A good photographer is a constant observer: always watching and studying a scene, from patterns in city traffic to movements in nature.

A photographer notices big, sweeping changes — like the sky at dusk — but also the tiniest details, like the subtle bends in bare branches in the Nevada desert:”

Lines and natural colours from my home surroundings
Lines and natural colours from my home surroundings

Photo 101: Day Seven: Big & Point of View

There are several photos inside. Please click and if you have a moment feedback appreciated on my colouring choices. Thanks for stopping by.

“Today, let’s go big. Whether inside or outside, photograph something of massive size. Feel free to interpret big in your own way, and get creative with your shot. Capture all or just part of the subject. Place it in the foreground so it takes up the entire frame. Or shoot it from afar so it appears smaller — yet still prominent.”

In addition to the assignment I am working out some different features of photoshop. The first photo I was playing with light and dark and worked out a lighting effect that I thought emphasised the ‘bigness’ of the Pylon Driver.
The rest of the photos I played with the channel mixer to produce partial colour & B&W.

The photos in the centre of the pylon and large rope are some definite playing. I kind of like the one that has just the hint of colour with just colourising the rope going around the pylon. Which is your preference or maybe none…??  I also flipped the canvas horizontally for the first of the three just to frame the group.

The last one, the excavator, I just wanted to focus on the orange and the ‘bigness’ once again.


Pylon Driver
Pylon Driver
Large Pylon colour
Large Pylon colour
Large Pylon b&w with colour rope
Large Pylon b&w with colour rope
large pylon b&w background
large pylon b&w background
Marina Excavator

Cee’s Odd Ball Photo Challenge – Sun Mar 8th

022714-odd-ballIn response to Cee’s Odd Ball Challenge post how can I resist but sharing some of the millions of photos of my pups.  The white one is an Aussie about 5-6 years old the one chasing is a Catahoula about 3 years old.  Both rescues and both living the dream now!  Or at least I hope they feel that way.  They are certainly fulfilling mine.


The whole point of Cee’s challenge is to share photos that don’t fit in a regular category.  As far as I’m concerned, my dogs could fit in almost every category out there – but that’s just me.  So though neither of my dogs are ‘odd’, I still think it would be acceptable to add them to the Odd Ball Challenge!!


Cheers and thanks for checking the post out.

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PHOTO101 Day 3: Water & Orientation

OK I have 2 photos to share for day 3, photo101.  One is geese in the water with a vertical and horizontal exposure. This image is kinda more about Photoshop I guess.  I converted the vertical image to black and white and then painted colour, the blue, back in some of the water.  The horizontal photo is the actual colour of everything and then the background is comprised of an image made from the outline of the geese.  Overall I was working more with Photoshop with this image.  I was trying to emphasize the water in the vertical shot by making it the only thing in colour in the photo.



The photo below is all about the reflection in the water, then a focus on the tree surrounded by the sunset.
